A Quick Shout Out to Next Stop: Democracy’s Incredible Advisory Committee!
Photos from our first Advisory Committee meeting at Pipeline last month…
Have we mentioned our amazing Advisory Committee yet?
To help us best execute our ambitious (to say the least) project, we have established a little army of Philly’s best, brightest, and most civically engaged individuals to advise us along the way!
Today, we’d like to take a quick moment to thank this growing list of incredible people for their time and insights, including: Mo Manklang, Sara McCorriston, Donnell Powell, Patrick Shillenn, Rudy Flesher, Erica Atwood, Sara Ann Kelly PR, Christina Wong, Glen Knapp, Rachel Zimmerman, Dietrich Meyer, Paul Farber, David Guinn, Emma Fried-Cassorla, Neil Bardhan, Skai Blue Media, and My MilkCrate.
We’re so lucky to live in a city with so many fabulously motivated people!