Allergic Reactions – What Are They?

Allergic reactions can cause dizziness, nausea or headaches


Allergic reactions are usually thought of as just being caused by chemicals, but allergies can be a result of bacteria, viruses or fungus. The most common form of allergy is to dust mites.


The term "allergic reaction" is used to describe the reaction that your body has to a substance that may be present in the environment. Most allergic reactions cause you to feel an immediate allergic reaction, but there may also be a secondary reaction later on. This secondary reaction can include redness, itchiness, swelling and the release of mucus. Allergy attacks can range from minor to extremely serious, but it depends on the individual.


Allergic reactions can come from any substance that is inhaled, such as dust mites, pollen, house dust, animal dander, dust, mold, and food. Allergy attacks can also be caused by chemicals such as detergents, soaps, perfumes and even gasoline and paint.


Allergic reactions can be mild to severe. Mild allergic reactions are usually nothing to worry about, such as an itchy rash. You can treat the rash with over-the-counter products or you can go to the doctor to get medication that will help clear up the rash. If you suffer from severe anaphylactic allergic reactions then you may need to visit the emergency room.


If you have experienced any type of allergic reactions you should seek medical care as soon as possible. Do not wait until the condition gets worse. This is because you will not know what the reaction was if you waited to seek medical treatment.


Many people are at risk of developing asthma, hay fever, eczema, diabetes, allergies or other health problems. Some of these conditions can be triggered by stress, which is why it is very important to take care of your family's health and well being. You may think that you have a mild allergic reaction, but the problem may be more serious than that. If the problem is not properly treated, you may end up with a chronic illness that can cause damage to your body and make it impossible for you to breathe.


Allergy issues are very common in today's society


More people are suffering from allergies, with one-third of all adults suffering from at least one allergic reaction. The symptoms of an allergic reaction can range anywhere from a runny nose, coughing, sneezing or hives to rashes, vomiting, watering eyes, hives, or swelling in the throat. If you experience any of these symptoms it is important to see your physician immediately. Allergy shots can help reduce the intensity of the allergic reaction and decrease the likelihood of anaphylactic shock.


Your doctor may prescribe an allergy test to find out if you are at risk for an allergic reaction. If you are prescribed an allergy shot, you will be given a pill that contains an allergen and an antibody. The antibodies will help fight off the allergen and hopefully reduce the amount of allergic reaction that you experience. A simple allergy test can tell your doctor if you may develop an allergy in the future.


Sometimes an allergic reaction will not be triggered by an allergen, it can occur when your immune system is not working the way it should. These problems can be caused by poor diet, medications or other illnesses. Your doctor will do a test to see if there is an imbalance in your body that is causing the problem. A simple allergy test can help to determine if your immune system is at risk.


In some cases an allergy can be caused by an infection. An infection in the lungs can cause an allergic reaction if the lungs are infected with an allergen. This may occur when the bacteria or fungus causing the infection is able to multiply rapidly in the body and release histamine into the airways. If you have an allergy related to this bacteria you should consult your doctor immediately.


If you think that you have an allergic reaction, you should talk to your physician about all of your options to control it. These allergic reactions can lead to more serious conditions so you should talk to your doctor about getting medication if necessary and making sure that you keep your immune system functioning properly.


It is important to protect your health to stay healthy and free of any health problems. Do your best to avoid the things that may be causing your allergies.

Rosanne Longoria

Author of this healthy blog. Rosanne Longoria on writing different interesting health articles, such as psychology, medicine.

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