Using Your Short Term Memory Effectively


Short term memory refers to the ability for retaining, holding, but not accessing, a small amount of relevant information in the brain for a relatively short period of time, usually less than one minute. For instance, short-term memory can easily be used to recall a phone number that was just recently recalled. However, the more important facts and details may take a longer period of time to recall, such as a grocery list or a job description.


The key element of short memory is the so-called search memory


It is the ability to quickly and easily extract information already learned. It is also possible to form new short-term memories, but these are usually short-lived and last only a few seconds.


Many people tend to remember only the most important facts when studying a subject. They may not remember more general details or even try to remember. The best way to improve short-term memory is to study a wide range of topics, memorize them all, and then try to recall those you have already studied.


The main part of short memory is your ability to hold information in your head for a very short time. For example, you can remember your phone number, but not for long. This is because your short-term memory is so busy remembering your phone number that you won't be able to focus on other important details.


The key to improving short-term memory and remembering more is practice. To do this, first memorize the name of the phone book, and then write down the address with a pen. Repeat the process for each directory in turn until you have memorized all the phone numbers in the phone book. When you get to the last one, write it down. Repeat this process with the rest of the phone numbers, using the pen to make your short-term memory more powerful.


You can improve your short-term memory by repeating this process for as many minutes as you can. This can be a great way to refresh your mind and increase your memory power.



Remember to practice good habits like taking notes and meetings, and remembering important dates. If you leave a check or payment in the car, be sure to check it before leaving the car. This practice will help you keep your short-term memory more organized.


You should also keep your short term memory in an easy to access form by keeping it in a notebook or by using a memory technique that is very similar to jotting down important facts and information. These techniques are called mnemonics. They can help in your short term memory by associating a specific task or action with an important word or piece of information.


One memory technique is to think of something else, such as a car, when you are about to forget a specific word or phrase. You can practice this method by thinking about the color of a car, or the type of car. This will help you recall the word or phrase you were trying to forget.


Another memory technique is to keep your short term memory near the front of your brain by focusing on a word or phrase while you are reading or listening to information. This will help to keep it close to you. In addition, this method will help to improve your short term memory by improving your memory skills so that you can learn information more quickly and retain more of it.


It is also important to practice using your short term memory on a daily basis. By practicing this technique every day, you will be better able to retain the information that you already know. By practicing this technique regularly, you will be able to get information into your brain faster.


It is also important to practice the memory techniques described above because they will help you retain your short term memory. Once you are able to recall more information, you can apply the techniques to new information. You will be able to recall information that you have learned faster, making it easier for you to learn more. As you remember more, your short term memory will become stronger.

Rosanne Longoria

Author of this healthy blog. Rosanne Longoria on writing different interesting health articles, such as psychology, medicine.

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